Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Anaconda Squeeze: the story of us

It was high time for a name change, I think.

First of all, I'm not technically a nanny anymore. Just a glamorous babysitter.

Also, I don't even live on Long Island. I live in Queens, which is a borough of NYC, which means I am a resident of quite possibly the greatest city to live in, ever.

The rest of my life could completely suck, but I met Devin here, and here we fell in to me this will always be the greatest place in the world because everywhere I go in the city, I see the story of us.

We happened fast. We happened by accident.

I don't believe in coincidences, and I like to think we've all got a path laid out before us...but I swear Devin and I just met at the wrong time. Everything is perfect and lovely and so, so solid...but we're stuck with this mission to get through.

And don't get me wrong, we are more than happy to have that be our trial than something else. To have the opportunity to grow spiritually for two whole years before tying ourselves together forever is such a blessing. And, what a way to prove our faithfulness, loyalty and commitment. If we make it through this, we can make it through absolutely anything.

Regardless, I know it's right and real. I always felt like an Arizona boy just wasn't for me. And look, my very first baby steps outside the comfort of home and I found someone so completely like me and opposite of me and compatible with me.

It only took us about twenty-four hours to know there was something special between us.

His friends told him about me, but thanks to some jealous girls in the nanny circle I had no idea who he was when he walked through to door at Wednesday night volleyball at the church.

He struck me as interesting, unique and so, so handsome. Well-dressed, athletic...we both secretly spent the whole night stealing glimpses of each other.

He knew I loved The Office almost as much as he did. He lured me in with an Office quote on Facebook. Lucky for me, still in the middle of my trying-new-things attitude, I commented on his status.

And that, folks, is how it all began.

There was a YSA dance in Brooklyn that Friday. I met up with him and some friends in the city and we all went together. By the end of the night (which we spent dancing and talking) we were sharing our first of countless burgers at Jackson Hole, and chattng excitedly about our plans to spend the day in the city together on Saturday.

That morning, for the first time ever (or since...) he was on time. We met in Times Square and set off together on our first Big Adventure. We explored everywhere, saw that evening we were holding hands in Holiday Lanes on the 9th floor of Macy's, and by the time we made it to the nutcracker ornament section he couldn't wait another second, and he grabbed my face and kissed me good. Right there in the middle of Macy's, he suddenly wasn't just holding my hand. He was holding my heart.

We both knew it was over. Sure, we still didn't know every secret. We didn't fully comprehend each others' pasts. We hadn't experienced very much together. But chemistry is undeniable. And falling in love is so, so easy.

Sunday we held hands secretly at church. That night we drove to his house in Queens and watched The Walking Dead together. Sitting on the couch, we talked hypothetically about dating and then we really talked about it, and then we decided to stop talking and do something. December 2, 2012 is our anniversary (:

The nine months since that night haven't been perfect. They haven't been easy. They haven't been painless, tearless or care-free. But I love that boy more than anything because he makes me laugh and smile through all the hard stuff. I feel safe. I feel loved and wanted. I feel validated, and I feel like my opinion matters. That I can make a difference in someone else's life for the better. That I have someone to help me when I fall short. Somebody who gets how I tick, knows how I can be, and chooses to love me anyway.

Its a miracle and a blessing, and I wouldn't have the next two years any other way because what we have is stronger than distance or loneliness or anything that might seem to want to tear us apart.

I love you, Devin. Thanks for all the love, all the possibility, and thanks for all those perfect Anaconda Squeezes.

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