Monday, July 15, 2013

A hair history

So, as most of the humans in my life know, I can never stick with a hairstyle. It's not that I'm not happy with my hair, or I that I am flighty in my decision-making skills. It really comes down to the fact that there are just too many options when it comes to hairstyles.

I really respect the girls that have hair down to their behinds and have kept it long and lucious and beautiful their whole lives, I really do, but for me...I prefer something trendy, eye-catching and different. I love stepping out of the shower in the morning already excited about how I'm going to fix my hair. I love surprising myself with discovering new hairstyles and accessories that didn't work on my hair the month before. There's always a new adventure with each new color and cut!

(And, a quick note to all the girls who got super short pixies like I did and have since tried to grow it out like I have been...with this attitude and a little bit of box dye, you'll make it! Don't worry! )

So, to commemorate my latest almost-black, totally mod, self-cut style, lets take a quick look back at the history of the hairstyles of Emma:

Back to the very beginning--my first short cut.

And then I grew it out. 
This was also nearing the end of my junior high punk phase.

And then I gave myself bangs. 
I miss that shirt, I used to wear it all the time. 
Gotta love Charlotte 

This is the longest my hair has ever been, in my whole life. I was dying it constantly to try and entertain myself.

Aaaaand I hated it so 
I chopped it all off again.

It was in this phase that I discovered my infamous White Girl Afro. I really miss that thing!!

I also went through several different shades of brown at this point, with some purple streaks just for fun.

And then, it was gone. I managed to chop it all off just before the pixie became insanely popular.

No pixie is complete without the occasional fauxhawk!

I went through several more color changes while I grew my hair out long enough for...

The single most stupidest, funnest, most damaging thing I ever did to my hair. 

I LOVED my platinum pixie. 
But, my hair was literally falling apart and took an insane amount of work to keep from making me look homeless. I did change my glasses at this point to suit a lighter hair color.

And then I moved to NYC to be a rock star, and my hair became long and unmanageable.

So the reign of the bleach ended and so ensued many, many color changed on my way back to dark. 
There was a weird strawberry blonde...

And purple...

And I got a haircut and it turned a little pink...

And then Little 
Mermaid red...

It was here that i finally went brown and it seriously started growing. The last of the bleach has been cut away, the length is no longer pixie-worthy, and the color is realistic...

Good old brown, with bangs.

Basically, I'm the first person you should turn to if you're not sure which color hair dye to go with, need courage to chop off your locks, or are experiencing growing pains. I'm here for ya, babe. And trust me--almost any style will work, you just need the bravery to rock it!

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