Well, today I'm sick with a cold. And on a sick day like this one, the best way to handle the boredom is to catch up on things you always find excuses not to get done. This blog just happens to be one of those things...
I feel like too much has happened to even try to put down in a post. That first silly one way back in October was yet another attempt by my ever-far-reaching self to be deep and interesting. Ha! I always forget that to most of the people I know live several thousand miles away in Arizona and, I hope, even my NYC-average life may just be interesting to them. So I suppose the best way to try and keep up with this thing, and begin to catch up on recording my life here, is just to start.
Right now I'm sitting at the laundromat waiting for my clothes to dry. It's right across the street from my house, thank goodness, because I have been really lazy about getting it done and now have about three loads to look forward to putting away. I am literally on my last pair of underwear, and that's basically my only motivation for even making it over here today. Laziness at its finest! You never realize how spectacular having your own washer and dryer is until you're stuck paying to use someone else's every week. Just another hidden cost of striking out on your own and abandoning the sheltered existence of your family home. ;)
In other news, it's 90 degrees today. I'm not sure when it became acceptable for me to complain about 90 degrees (I grew up in the land of 1,000 suns, for goodness' sakes) but boy does it feel HOT. I guess not having air conditioning in a top-floor apartment does add to the feeling. But still...I'm starting to sound like a New Yorker.
And my last tidbit for the moment, because I just heard to beep indicating my clothes are done, I am looking for a regular job in the city! Devin's friend (and now mine too) works at the Met and so, hopefully, I will have one soon! If my resume does me justice, that is (:
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